Mini Session Recap {Athens, GA Family Photographer}

Oo-eee, I'm terrible about sharing work! Other than the little tastes via Facebook, which just doesn't quite hit the mark. So here are some highlights from this summer's glorious little Mini Sessions. It's gearing up to be time for photographing all you cuties for holiday missives - and I can't wait!

Five Years! And a new website.

It sort of boggles the mind that EarlyGirl Photography has been around for five years this month. Five years! I feel so very grateful that I have been able to be part of the lives of my clients. Some of them I'm lucky enough to see year after year - and I've watched pregnancies, births, new babies, toddlers sprouting into lanky children, lost teeth, graduations, engagements, and re-dedications to the commitment of staying together. I've even been part of the record of beloved humans that no longer walk this earth. I am indeed in a special position.

2014 was filled with change for our family, with my eldest starting a new school, my youngest turning into a full-fledged communicator of everything on her mind, a busier year than ever with clients, and some changes in the way I do business. I am trying hard to learn to maximize the time I spend with YOU and your family, capturing the very best shots, and then fine tuning them in editing. I want to spend more time photographing and then fostering relationships, and less time in the minutia that it takes to run a business. So with the help of the clever behind-the-scenes Kate Hodges, I have this shiny new website to show you. It comes complete with the ability to schedule your session, join the newsletter, and get in touch. I adored my old website, it was made by my dear husband Ben, with cardboard. No, seriously, cardboard and computers. But it was time for more functionality, and I'm pleased as punch with what Kate has come up with. 

I also got to work with the amazing artist Hope Hilton on a new logo. She is a talented lady and she got exactly what I was envisioning without my even knowing I was envisioning it. I also got to talk her ear off over coffee, so it was a win-win. 

So here is where I thank all of you that made my being a member of the incredibly talented pool of photographers in Athens, Georgia possible. Thank you for trusting me to SEE you, and to be with you in intimate moments, and to get to know your children, and to hold your sweet babies. Thank you for your loyalty year after year, for spreading the word about EarlyGirl to friends and family. Thank you for allowing to me to make something that brings me joy and satisfaction my job, all the while providing something to the world that I truly believe makes it better. 

On that note, I dearly hope I get to see each and every one of you in 2015. Take a look around the new site, tell me what you think, get in touch.

With GREAT warmth and affection and gratitude,


EarlyGirl Photography